TILT - Building digital products that go straight to the centre.

TILT stands from Tech In the Loop and the last T is because of the loop :)

Now bear with me for a second, while I try to explain you how TILT - the framework was born. I’m gonna keep it short.

I had this idea while reading a research paper from the fantastic Ben Shneiderman that was trying to explain Human Centred Artificial Intelligence (HCAI) by using an analogy.
The human-in-the-loop approach in AI uses interactions between humans and machines to help machines improve at whatever they should do. The centre here is machines and the humans are the support. HCAI aims at centring the human being by developing AI algorithms that are meant to improve the interactions between machines and humans. Humans are kept in the centre and not machines.
The paper goes deeper in design thinking applied to AI which is out of the scope of this introduction, but if you want to read more you find the paper here.

This is when I had the first thought about the TILT Framework. Today we have soooo much around us. There are millions apps and millions websites. Internet is good and reliable. Our phones are crazy smart. Our laptops are small and cute and rarely crash. I wish I could show you my first PC. Such a pain!!!!
Today we can choose. Today we don’t have to say yes because there is no alternative. Today we have the power to change our mind, to go for something else if we don’t like what we see. And today we can build what we want if it is not available on the market.

But to do that successfully, we should be sure to centre our ideas and products around “us”.
I’m very passionate about technology that makes human’s quality of life better and I know that in an era where there is so much noise the only way to stand out and win the fight is to focus on the people. On you, on me, on us all. Where "us" also means diversity and sustainable. Imagine building an app (or any digital product) that doesn't just solve a problem but iterates on customers' needs. That helps changing life style or habits, that makes life easier or answers specific questions, an app that targets a need exactly how we want it to be targeted.
Today we all can build digital products and tech that make a difference in real life.

TILT is a framework that brings together all phases of building successful digital products by the use of a human centred approach. I regularly teach TILT to empower and give the opportunity to anyone to build digital products that make a difference in people's life.

I published a paper on TILT that was accepted by the peer-reviewed journal ON-Research for the Fall 2021. If you would like to read more, you can download the journal containing the article here